Grants Process

Potential subgrant applicants can review the process summary and then learn more details about the steps below. [Leer en español]

Subgrant Application Process Summary

application pre-screen


Interested applicants will complete pre-application screening questions to review eligibility requirements.

application submission

Application submission

Cycle 1 applications will be open between October 28 – December 12, 2024.

after submission

After submission

Eligibility screening and Application scoring

All eligible competitive applications will undergo a comprehensive scoring process. Finalists will be notified approximately 6-8 weeks after application closes.

pre-award assessment

If you are a finalist

Pre-award assessment

Finalists will complete a pre-award assessment to ensure they have the capacity to manage subgrant funds, and to determine if any special subgrant conditions are needed.

once you're a finalist

If you are selected for an award

Subgrant Agreement

We anticipate that subgrant agreements will be implemented approximately 3-4 months after the application closes.

once you're a subgrantee

If you become a subgrantee

Subgrantees will be matched with a Grants Manager who will provide ongoing support. Subgrantees will develop a workplan, evaluation plan, and logic model. Quarterly reporting and a final closeout report at the end of the subgrant are required.

What to expect throughout the subgrant applications process

application submission
Application Submission

Interested applicants will first complete pre-application screening questions to review eligibility requirements. Eligible applicants are then invited to submit their application online or by mail.

after submission
After Submission

Email confirmation

Online applicants will receive an email confirmation stating that their application has been received within 48 hours of submission. Physical submission made through the mail will receive confirmation of receipt within five (5) business days of receipt.

eligibility screening

Eligibility and completeness screening 

The MAP EJ Grants Team will then conduct an initial review of applications to confirm eligibility and application completeness. This screening will also include a preliminary budget review and project location eligibility verification. You will receive a follow-up email within two (2) weeks of submission with the status of your application.

competitive and non-competitive scoring

Competitive application scoring

All eligible competitive applications will undergo a comprehensive scoring process. The scoring committee is made up of representatives from the MAP EJ Council, a council of environmental justice community based organizations from across the region, and staff from the MAP EJ Grants team. The MAP EJ Grants team will consider application scores along with geographic distribution when making funding decisions.

Non-competitive application review

All eligible non-competitive applications will be reviewed to assess organizational capacity and project alignment with the goals of the grantmaking program. All non-competitive applicants will be asked to participate in an interview to discuss their project and organizational assessment, and they may be asked to provide additional documentation.

finalist notification

Finalist notification

Notifications will be made approximately 6-8 weeks after the application closes.

pre-award assessment
After receiving notification that you are a finalist

Pre-Award Assessment

Finalists will complete a pre-award assessment to ensure they have the capacity to manage subgrant funds, and to determine if any special subgrant conditions are needed. The MAP EJ Grants Hub may also request modifications to the project budget or scope of work to ensure compliance with federal requirements.

During the pre-award assessment, finalists will also be asked to determine whether their project includes research that requires a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) or approval of Human Subjects Research. If so, then additional steps will be required

once you're a finalist

Subgrant Agreement

Finalists will implement subgrant agreements, then be assigned a subgrant manager for next steps. We anticipate that subgrant agreements will be implemented approximately 3-4 months after the application closes.

If you are not selected for an award

If you are not selected for an award you can do the following:

  • Request a debrief meeting with the MAP EJ Grants Hub.
  • Be referred to MaPTCC, our technical assistance partner, to receive additional support in thinking about your application.
  • Apply for a future cycle of the Thriving Communities Grantmaking program. Three cycles* of subgrants are anticipated (Cycle 1: October 28-December 12, 2024; Cycle 2: Spring 2025; and, Cycle 3: Fall 2025). *all timelines are subject to change.
once you're a subgrantee
Once you are a subgrantee

Each subgrantee will be assigned a grant manager, who will work with you throughout the subgrant period. This will include:

  • Phone calls or videoconferences, approximately monthly.
  • At least one site visit during the subgrant period.
  • Email communication regarding project progress, contract compliance, and any questions that you may have or support that you need.

During the first quarter of the project period, subgrantees will work with their grant manager to complete a project workplan, logic model, and performance measurement plan. Subrantees will also be required to submit quarterly reports and invoices throughout the project period as well as a closeout report.

Subgrantees may have additional subgrant requirements depending on the nature of the project and the results of the pre-award assessment. These requirements will be discussed prior to award and included in the award conditions. Subgrantees will also have the opportunity to participate in training, coaching sessions, and peer communities of practice to build capacity to successfully compete for future federal funding opportunities.