Mountains and Plains Environmental Justice Grants Hub

A regional grantmaker of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program.

gradient line

Cycle 2 grants open Spring 2025.

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How We Can Help

Welcome to the Mountains and Plains Environmental Justice Grants Hub (MAP EJ Grants Hub).

The MAP EJ Grants Hub, in collaboration with our community partners, helps design subgrant application processes, awards environmental justice subgrants, implement a subgrants tracking and reporting system, and provide resources and support to communities.

The MAP EJ Grants Hub will award subgrants totaling $48 million for projects in EPA’s Region 8, under the Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program. The funding is geared to communities disproportionately affected by environmental, climate, and human health harms and risks.

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, those focused on:

  • Air and water quality
  • Stormwater treatment
  • Food access
  • Local cleanup projects
  • Addressing illegal dumping activities
  • Healthy housing
  • Toxin remediation
  • and more…

Who We Serve

We serve community-based nonprofits and other eligible recipients in six states and 28 federally recognized tribal nations of EPA Region 8.

Not located in Region 8? Find your regional grantmaker here.

EPA Region 8 map - Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, 28 Tribal Nations.

Award Levels

Tier 1 subgrants


for 1 year

up to $150,000 for assessment projects

Tier 2 subgrants


for 1-2 years

up to $250,000 for planning projects

Tier 3 subgrants


for 2 years

up to $350,000 for project development projects

Noncompetitive subgrants


for 1 year

up to $75,000 for assessment projects for severely capacity constrained communities

vegetable harvest basket

To learn more about the subgrant awards, please visit EPA EJ Thriving Communities Grantmakers Grants.

UEI Registration for Potential Applicants

All potential subgrant applicants must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). A SAM registration is required for any entity to bid on and get paid for federal contracts or to receive federal funds.

The Environmental Protection Network (EPN) is offering registration office hours every two weeks on Wednesday from 12-1pm MST. Sign up at Email with any questions.

Unique Entity Identifier

Connect with us!

Email with any questions or to schedule a spot in our regular office hours.
Sign up for our mailing list and stay informed.